Do I drink too much?
This is the Slovenian version of the AUDIT-C questionnaire, which has been designed by experts at the World Health Organization.
Completing this short (and anonymous) questionnaire, which takes about three minutes, will help you answer the question: ‘Do I drink too much?’
The information you supply below will be used solely within the application to produce a rough assessment of your drinking patterns and show where you stand in relation to risky alcohol consumption.
Let’s start.
How often have you had a drink containing alcohol (beer, wine, spirits, liqueurs, cocktails, must/young wine, cider, mead/honey liqueur) in the past 12 months?
How many units of drinks containing alcohol have you usually drunk on days when you had a drink (last 12 months)? (One unit is 1 dcl of wine, 2.5 dcl of beer or cider or 0.3 dcl of spirits)
In the past 12 months, how often has the following happened to you?
Men: You have drunk 6 or more units on a single occasion
Women: You have drunk 4 or more units on a single occasion.
Do I drink too much?
Rezultat 1
Your answers suggest that your alcohol consumption is putting you at increased risk of social or health problems, meaning that it is possible that you are engaging in risky or harmful alcohol consumption or that you are showing signs of alcohol dependence. We recommend that you undertake a more detailed investigation, the tools for which can be found at: Where can you turn to for help?
Rezultat 2
Your drinking can be classed as less risky alcohol consumption, meaning that you are at lower risk of suffering negative consequences from consumption.
Rezultat 3
You drink no alcohol, which means that you are looking after your health and that alcohol consumption has no adverse impact on your health.