Slovenia and alcohol
Slovenia, together with the European Union, Norway and Switzerland belongs to a region with the most alcohol consumers in the world. Alcohol consumption in this region is twice the world average. Slovenia also stands out in this region. Between 2003 and 2014, Slovenes aged at least 15 consumed more pure alcohol in litres per capita than in the above region and also the EU.[1] According to NIJZ data, the registered alcohol consumption in 2016 in Slovenia was 10.5 litres of pure alcohol per inhabitant, older than 15.
Excessive alcohol consumption is also a great financial burden for the Slovene state. Alcohol-related costs estimate for the period 2011–2014 amounted to 153 million euros per year,[2] but if we add the costs of traffic accidents, domestic violence and other criminal acts, this estimate grows to 234 million euros per year (!).
[1] National Institute of Public Health, 2017. Registered alcohol consumption in Slovenia increased in 2015 and remains too high for public health (
[2] Sedlak, S., Zaletel, M., Zorko, M., Kasesnik, K. Economic impact of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in Slovenia. Ljubljana: NIJZ, 2014. V Roškar, M. et al. Alcohol politics in Slovenia. Opportunities for harm and costs reduction. Ljubljana: NIJZ, 2016.